Thursday, October 15, 2009


Ugh.. life.

Ok so last week, or a few weeks back, I had this topic on my mind and was trying to think of things to say.

It's about vulgar words.

Why are vulgar words vulgar?
Why do they hurt so bad when used against you?
How does a word become vulgar?
Who decides if these words are vulgar or not?

I've thought about these questions since young and it was only until a few weeks ago did it come back to me and a recent blog entry I read on a similar topic by a friend nudged me to be writing what I you will see below.

So why are vulgar words vulgar? I don't know. Really. Is it the way they sound? Their meanings? What makes a vulgar word different from another word with the same meaning?

I don't know. If two words have the same meaning, why is one of them considered vulgar but the other one not? Maybe the meaning of the word used is sensitive. Then why use them to curse and swear at?

If a word used has a meaning unique to you, maybe because it triggers something, an emotion of hate, it becomes offensive. Does it mean that it becomes a vulgar word? What makes words vulgar because of their meaning? Many people interpret the meanings differently because of the different instances in our lives that the meaning of the word can apply to. So why are there still profanities that are considered bad by everyone in general?

I've seen many people substitute other words for some common profanities used because they have been told by some that dirty words give you a bad impression. I womder, does it really matter? If constant substitution of a profane word makes you think that you're not really using vulgarities, you may be right, because there are vulgarities considered profane by everyone. However, I doubt it will make you swear lesser, or practice more self control.

If someone tells you not to use profane words, they're very likely to be telling you that using profanities is bad and you should stop because it corrupts your mind and it becomes a habit etc.. If substiting a cleaner word for a swear word does that, why wouldn't people just eliminate the whole swear word thing altogether? You will still swear as much and probably much more than before with the meaning behind each word you use still the same because you're thinking that you aren't swearing but you really are.

They say that smart people don't swear, because they are able to find substitutes for how they would express themselves. And I think that is true. But what if the vulgarities were there as substitues for a longer sentence or string of words instead? Smart people avoid vulgarities because they know how to go around them and no use them. But what about people who use them? Does that mean they're stupid? Does it mean that vulgarities are there to distinguish smart from stupid people?

I doubt.

Enough said..

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