Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Guitarist Michael Romeo

What a great video! Look at one of the comments I found on the video haha!

-If you think that is fast you should see him reach for the last jelly donut


And here's a response to the above comment another user posted!

-The secret is, his entire guitar is a jelly donut. That's why it's purple. At any time, if Romeo finds his endurance flagging, he can lick his donut guitar for strength, knowing that after the show, dozens and dozens of donuts await him backstage. Powdered donuts. Chocolate donuts. Even those new donuts from Dunkin Donuts with Reese's Pieces on them. Sometimes in fact Romeo has to position his guitar to hide his erection as he shreds and thinks of nothing but those donuts.

Haha what!

Enough said..

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