Tuesday, August 4, 2009

An ability that never fails

How cool it would be, to have an ability that will never fail, no matter how focused you are on it, independent of situation and not affected by anything?

Recently, I've been thinking that it would be nice for me to have a skill that only a handful in the people has and everyone's facinated by it. No one knows how it works, not even you. Think it's purely fiction? Think again. Mathematical savants has this weird ability to tell you which day of the week of any given date. Give them a day, a month and a year, and they'll tell you which day of the week it is, instantly. Researchers do not know how they are able to do it. Even the savants themselves aren't aware of it (I'll come back to this later).

For a normal human to be asked the same question, or even a mathematical genius or supercomputer, thousands of calculations need to be done. Many mathematically gifted average people have admitted to calculation to determine the day of a date. Although almost as fast as the savants themselves and alot faster than the average joe, his ability is still unmatched to the savants'. Under pressure or stress or if distracted, the normal person will have their calculations disrupted. This means a failure or a slight defect in their ability because they have a chance of miscalculating and providing a wrong answer.

Savants, on the other hand, don't need to perform calculations. They have it on the tip of their fingers. If someone were to casually ask for the day of a given date, the savant, unlike the rest, wouldn't have to stop and think before providing an answer. It would be as natural to them as a greeting. It does not fail under pressure as well, which makes it really cool.

But what's the use of a super ability to know the day of any date? Seems pretty useless isn't it? Again, just like most of the other savant abilities that vary from savant to savant, this one has little applications.

As I've mentioned earlier, nobody knows how savants are able to do that. The hypothesis that not even savants themselves know how to do it is only a suspicion from tests and even questioning the savants about their special ability. However, savants are special people and they have many problems and difficulties doing and understanding the simple, everyday tasks we perform every day. Questioning this special ability of theirs may be hard for them to understand and steer them to giving a simple but inconclusive result but perplexes us the most: Don't know.

Perhaps this has been happenning all these while. Maybe are just special people with an outstanding mathematical ability to calculate many times faster than a math genius. Or maybe, just maybe, there's something bigger to what we are looking for..

Enough Said..


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