Saturday, April 18, 2015

It's really been a while!

Hey! So I realize that this will be my first post in 2015, and it's been long due!

Just a quick update on what's going on in my life. And then some thoughts after!

 So what's going on in my life right now?

-Second Year of University
-Right in the middle of a study break
-Struggling to keep up with my content!

 Right now, I guess life is pretty good. Not much interesting stuff going on at the moment. Mostly just wake up, study a bit and then maybe play some games at night. I've been really tired these past few days though.

 Also, there have been some other issues going on. Some issues that I've been struggling with. Issues that I never thought would haunt me as much as it would back then. Issues with girls. hahaha

 So anyway, it has been a really long time since I was in a relationship and the way I think towards girls have changed drastically since my teenage years. I know people change as they grow up, and I know people mature and all that but I find it really interesting when you actually look back at yourself and see how different you are from last time. Changes to yourself are so gradual that you barely feel it. Sometimes you don't even realize that you've changed at all until you look back at the thoughts you've penned down.

 My apologies for the digression! About women... I've come to realize that I prefer older women in general. And I don't mean older as in like, those many years older than me. I prefer women who are a few years older than myself. And after a bit of thinking, the conclusion I've come to about this is perhaps one of the most messed up things of my life.

And ... And i'm actually too lazy to continue typing this lol.

 Maybe next time

 Enough said

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