Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Well what now?

Hey all!

Not sure if you still remember the posts from long ago where I used to say stuff like "Eccentricity to the maximum!!" or  "Abuse the privilege".

Those were years ago and I still remember them. They used to define me life largely during those moments. Unfortunately, as much as I'm reluctant for it to happen, times has changed drastically. And while those few phrases still resonate with me, it is time to move on.

If you know me in person or if you have followed closely online on certain websites and forums, you might have heard the saying "Too late to explore the world, too early to explore the universe, but just in time for dank memes". I have upgraded people! Yes, no longer a short expression but now pretty much an entire sentence. Maybe in a few years I might have entire paragraphs to live by. Ah well! We'll see what comes.

Anyway, hope you're all doing well! I am doing well myself :)

Or maybe not. Then again, who knows!

Enough Said

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